Training sessions for Potential Female Municipal Candidates
Training session for Bastion Club members
“70 initiatives in 70 villages” Conference - WRM Project
Awareness Session on Gender Quota Law in the North
Awareness Session on Gender Quota Law in Mount Lebanon 2
Awareness Session on Gender Quota Law in Beqaa - Baalbak - Hermel
Awareness Session on Gender Quota Law in Beirut & MTL
Closing Ceremony for YALA Project - Feb. 24,2024
A Day at Ghalboun Municipality - YALA Project
A Day at Aley Municipality - YALA Project
Training (II) for potential municipal candidates - WRM Phase II
First time in history - Signing of Quota Law
Training (I) Potential Municipal Candidates - WRM Phase II
3-day Bootcamp - YALA Project
Women's Revolution in Politics - Conference
First Focus Group Discussion - YALA Project
Awareness Session in Falougha - Municipal Elections
Awareness Session in Zahle - Municipal Elections
Visits to Parliamentary Blocs to get approval for Municipal Elections Law
Awareness Session in Chouf- Municipal Elections
Awareness Session in Tripoli - Municipal Elections
Awareness Session in Akkar - Municipal Elections
3-Day Bootcamp with potential Female Municipal Candidates - March 29/30/31
Celebrating the journey of equality with International Community - March 24
Quota Coalition for Proposed Quota law for Municipal Elections 2023 - March 14
Training Sessions for Potential Municipal Candidates in the South - February 24, 25, 26
Training Sessions for Potential Municipal Candidates in Mount Lebanon 2/February 17,18,19
Training Sessions for Potential Municipal Candidates In North District./January 27,28,29 2023
Training Sessions for Potential Municipal Candidates In Beqaa January 20,21,22 2023
Training sessions for potential candidates for municipal elections 2023 - 9/12/13 Dec. 2022
Closing Ceremony of "The NYOU Parliament" project - 8/12/22
“Women’s Revolution in Politics – Municipalities 2023” Launching Event – 10/11/2022
Discussion about Equality in Politics & the Importance of having a Female President 20-9-2022
Conference to discuss the Proposed Gender Quota Law with the New Elected Members of the Parliament 25-7-2022
Honorary ceremony under the theme “8 for Equality” to honor the female MP winners of the Parliamentary Elections. 10/6/2022
Conference to honor the 157 female candidates. 9/5/2022
The Launching of "Women Power" Website - 4th awareness session in Beirut District. 29/4/2022
Third awareness session in Mount Lebanon - Fifty Fifty & UNDP. 14/4/2022
Second awareness session in North District - Fifty Fifty & UNDP. 11/4/2022
First awareness session in Beqaa - Fifty Fifty & UNDP. 6/4/2022
HE Supports SHE Event. 12/2/2022
Joint Bootcamp Retreat between 2 projects. 29-30-31 October 2021.
Week of Trainings with different experts - Women's Revolution in Politics. October 2021
"Electoral & Political" campaigning with the expert Jean Hanna. May 2021
Networking Event - Women's Revolution in Politics - September 30
Girls Education. 12/4/2021
Aarousset el Gemmayzeh Building
The NYOU Parliament meetings - November 2020
The NYOU Parliament meetings - October 2020
The NYOU Parliament meetings - September 2020
Women for Beirut - September 2020
Women for Beirut - August 2020
The NYOU Parliament meetings - July & August 2020
Stronger with Women 25,26 & 27/2/2020
Stronger with Women 14/2/2020
Stronger with Women 13,14 &15/1/2020
Stronger With Women 14/10/2019
Lebanese Forces Women Assembly Marathon 6/10/2019
Stronger With Women 9,10,11/12/2019
GPG-fiftyfifty meetings 1/10/2019