- Field: Business
- Email : chammas28@gmail.com
Gina Chammas graduated from the University of San Diego California with a Bachelors’ Degree in Business Administration and Accounting, she also graduated with a Masters’ Degree in Science in International Leadership. She is a former President of the Syndicate of Certified Public Accountants in Lebanon. She was the advisor to the president of the Republic, General Emile Lahoud on finance and budget, and advisor to the Minister of Economy and Trade Affairs. From 1982 till 1989 Ms. Chammas was the Audit Manager at Deloitte & Touche. From 1989 till 1994 she was the Assistant Director of Finance at City of Chula Vista in San Diego. In 2011, she was the President of Lebanese Association of Certified Public Accountants, and the president of the Retirement Fund and board members. From 2014 till 2018 she was a member in the Board of Directors in the International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA). She is the founding partner in ISA Lebanon Audit and a founder and senior Consultant in SME clinic. Ms. Chammas is founding member, CEO, and consultant in Tomorrow’s Advice Global,s.a.l offshore Lebanon. Moreover, a senior advisor at the American Anti-Corruption Institute in the MENA region.