- Field : Founder & President of 10452
- Email : afaq.rola@hotmail.com
Rola El Mourad is the founder and the president of 10452, a political party working primarily towards a secular state with gender equality. In 2018, she ran for Parliament, leading the first electoral list of women. She graduated from Balamand University and has been very active in politics. However, politics is not her only area of expertise.
For the past fifteen years, Rola El Mourad has been actively involved in social work around Lebanon. She is the founder and president of Afaq Association, an NGO focused on development in the region of Akkar, North Lebanon. Through Afaq Association, she has worked on the empowerment of women and youth, development of rural areas, sustainable development, lowering school dropout rates, and bringing startup business culture to Akkar.
Starting at the age of seventeen, she was an active member in an association of people with disabilities and has worked extensively in this field. Later, in 2008, she founded Educare, a center for children with special needs and learning disabilities.
In 2013, Mrs. El Mourad attended a session of the European Parliament in Brussels to discuss women quota in politics. In 2014, she was invited to a conference in Rabat, Morocco to speak of her experience as the first woman to found a political party in Lebanon. Mrs. El Mourad has lectured at many conferences on the following topics: women and politics, women in political parties, women and economy, school dropouts, prison conditions, kids with special needs, voluntary sector, women in rural areas. She has been honored by Lions Group Tripoli and by Green Party Lebanon.