كسر الحواجز: الطريق نحو المساواة بين الجنسين مع فيفتي فيفتي
لكل رائدة أعمال اجتماعي قصة شخصية – تجربة أو توجه تدفعها إلى الطموح. في حالة جويل أبو فرحات، المؤسسة المشاركة والرئيسة التنفيذية لمؤسسة فيفتي فيفتي، بدأت […]
Breaking Barriers: Journey to Gender Equality with Fiftyfifty
Every social entrepreneur has a personal story—an experience, an orientation, or a philosophy that drives ambition. In the case of Joelle Aboufarhat, co-founder and CEO of Fiftyfifty, the […]
اللقاء الديمقراطي” يوقع اقتراح قانون الكوتا النسائية في البلديات.. أبو الحسن: توقيعنا واقعٌ عملي طبقناه في التقدمي
توقيع قانون الكوتا من قبل 10 نواب اللقاء الديمقراطي” يوقع اقتراح قانون الكوتا النسائية في البلديات.. أبو الحسن: توقيعنا واقعٌ عملي طبقناه في التقدمي Read More
For first time ever 10 MPs sign the Quota Law
Signing of the Quota Law For the first time in Lebanese History, 10 members of the parliament sign the proposed Quota Law and submitted to the […]
Female Candidates Mapping
The aim of the mapping study is to provide the facts & figures, outcomes, empowerment, recommendations, and challenges of Fiftyfifty during the Parliamentary Elections 2022, in […]
Development Projects on Public Policies for Female Candidates for Parliamentary Elections
Lebanon is in the midst of a crisis on different aspects, and it is taking on toll on the country and its people, being on the […]
There is no political will to support women to reach decision making positions
In an interview with Hadath Online, co-founder of Fifty Fifty, Joelle Abou Farhat, said that “the obstacles that prevent women from achieving what they want, are […]
FiftyFifty encourage 400 femmes à participer aux prochaines municipales
En préparation des prochaines élections municipales prévues en 2023, l’association Fifty Fifty a lancé son nouveau projet intitulé ” la révolution des femmes en politique “, […]
Will there be Fifty Fifty in the next Municipal Elections 2023?
NGOs all over Lebanon have been lobbying to date, to adopt and impose a women’s quota to have fifty fifty in the municipalities election 2023 between […]
Discussion about gender equality in the Presidency Elections 2022
Fifty Fifty organized a workshop that included female and male activists from the civil society, to discuss gender equality in decision-making positions, and to imply the […]