Dr. May Chidiac is a distinguished journalist, media personality, and founder of the May Chidiac Foundation- Media Institute (MCF-MI). With over 25 years in journalism, she became a prominent figure through her political commentary on Lebanese radio and TV, advocating for freedom and democracy. After surviving a 2005 car bomb attack that left her with permanent injuries, she returned to broadcasting with her show “With Audacity.”
In addition to her media career, Dr. Chidiac is a published author and holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from Université Panthéon-Paris II Assas. She has been recognized globally with numerous awards, including the UNESCO Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Award and the IWMF Courage in Journalism Award. She is also a recipient of several prestigious honors, including the “Chevalier de L’ordre de la Légion D’Honneur” and the “Dame de L’ordre de Saint Gregoire-Le-Grand.”
Dr. Chidiac has contributed to various international forums and organizations, including UNESCO, and is involved in projects related to gender-based violence (GBV), women’s empowerment, and media freedom. As a key advocate for women’s rights, she has organized projects like “Women on the Front Lines” and worked closely with UNWomen and UNESCO on media and gender issues. Additionally, Dr. Chidiac served as the Minister of State for Administrative Reform in Lebanon under Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s government.