Month: July 2017

Mariam Al Shami

Mariam Al Shami Attorney At Law   Mariam al-Shami, a Lebanese lawyer, member of the Liberties Committee and the Women’s Committee of the Beirut Bar Association, was elected Vice-President of the Arab Organization of Young Lawyers in 2014. she wa nominated to the municipal council of Kafarsir in 1998, She was elected as a member of the Political Bureau In “Amal movement” in 2001 she was the first woman of this site and currently serves as a member of its advisory board. She is trained in political and electoral work. She worked on many issues within her party and...

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May Tabbal

MAY TABBAL Coordinator of women sector at future movement   women coordinator of women sector at Future movement, member of executive bureau at future movement, member of executive bureau at Arab Youth Council- Cairo – Arab League-representative of Lebanon. lecturer and trainer:”women empowerment”,”electoral campaigns”,”political and social activist”. partipated in several conferences and round tables concerning women empowerment and anti-violence against women.writer of many political and social articles.honored by national institute for child rights and Arab youth council E-MAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER:  FACEBOOK ACCOUNT: TWITTER ACCOUNT: +9613530322 May Tabbal @maytabbal...

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Regina Kantara

Regina Kantara WORLD COUNCIL FOT THE CEDARS REVOLUTION   REGINA KANTARA, Avocate, Libanaise, Née à Tripoli, 1951 1999 et 2000 : Participe, à l’élaboration du rapport périodique de la commission nationale des femmes, présenté au Comité de la convention des Nations unies – CEDAW – de 1979 ratifiée par le Gouvernement Libanais le 24 Juillet 1996. 2005 : Militante civile de la Révolution des Cèdres. 2009 : Candidate aux Elections Législatives pour le siège Maronite de Tripoli. 2009 : Participe en Novembre au sommet «Lebanon 2020» 2010 : Co- Fondatrice et Directrice du Bureau Mondial de la Révolution des Cèdres pour le Liban. 2011 :...

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Nada Ghorayeb Zaarour

Nada Ghorayeb Zaarour President of the Green Party of Lebanon   Nada Zaarour is the President of Green Mind, a leading Non-Governmental Organization in the MENA region working on sustainability, and President of the Green Party of Lebanon. Nada has lead top Green movements in Lebanon advocating environmental protection, CO2 emissions reduction, eco-attitudes integration, women empowerment and Green economy stimulation. Zaarour is Board Member of the CAN Arab World (Climate Action Network), Partner with religious authorities in Lebanon and abroad developing programs for Faith and Conservation, Member of the Environmental Committee in Bkerké, Member of the National Coalition for...

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Nouha Ghosseini

  Nouha Ghosseini Professor at the LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Leading student in Architecture at Lebanese University in 1983, Nouha Ghosseini got a studentship from the French Government, which enabled her to obtain a Ph.D. in Urban Planning at the Sorbonne University, in 1988. In 1992, she began teaching at Lebanese University and supervise PhD thesis. Since 1998, she was engaged politically in her native region, Chouf, where she was President of Chouf Souayjani’ Federation of Municipalities and Mayor of Baakline’ municipality (2004-2016), one of six women mayors from 1038 Mayors across Lebanon. She was member of the national committee to...

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