Salyne El Samarany
CEO – Teach For Lebanon 

Salyne is a mother of two boys and an advocate for quality education in Lebanon. She participated in the Middle East Partnership Initiative Program for Student Leaders at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, in 2007. She was selected as the Lebanese Ambassador of Youth at the Arab Thought Foundation in 2009. As Chief Executive Officer of Teach For Lebanon, Salyne believes that providing equal educational opportunities for Lebanese children is at the core of the nation’s well-being. She was one of nine young education advocates selected for the 2014 UN Special Envoy for Global Education’s Youth Courage Award. Salyne is a Nutrition and Diet Therapist graduate from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and holds a Master of Business Administration and Management from the University of Balamand. She is a recipient of the Arab Creativity award for 2016 and is currently studying consultancy with the programme Consultants for Change run by INTRAC.

