- Field : Middle East Aviation Rsearch Society
- Email : nadine.itani@gmail.com
Dr. Nadine Itani got her Doctorate degree in Air Transport Policy Development in 2011-2015, in Cranfield University, United Kingdom. She got her master’s degree in Air Transport Systems in 2010-2011, in Cranfield University, United Kingdom. She gives lectures at AUB. She is also a managing director at Aviation Minds consultancy. She is the founding member of the Middle East Aviation Research Society (MEARS), and the president of the Women in Aviation Forum (WAF). Ms. Itani is a member of the royal Aeronautical Society. She was a speaker, Moderator at several sessions in Oman, Qatar, France, and Turkey. One of the conferences she attended was in United Kingdom, where she tackled the issue of “Women in Aviation in Middle East: Rise and Shine”, organized by Aeronautical Society in 2015. She received the UN-International Civil Aviation Organization (UN-ICAO) Award for her research in aviation in developing countries in 2011.